Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's ALWAYS Worth A Try!

This is a bragging post- but hey, I'm entitled!  

I needed a new dress for an event I have coming up and found a dress that I immediately fell in love with in Macy's for $190.  Now, I was willing to pay that amount because the dress was gorgeous, but at the same time - it's ALWAYS worth a try to get it to be cheaper!  I will never purchase anything in Macy's without a coupon so of course, I had my 20% off and $10 coupons.  Because the better deal was 20% off, I used that coupon bringing the dress down to $157.00. 

For some couponers out there, that might seem like a great deal and a place to stop and walk away with a smile but I wanted MORE!  I searched the dress online, starting with Macy's website.  They had ONE of the dresses left on their website but it was not the size that I needed.  Because they only had one size left, they discounted the dress to $94.50.  I decided to bring the dress back to the executive office because remember, I believe it's always worth a try.  I explained that I paid $157.00 but the dress is discounted online. 

After about 30 minutes, they not only gave me the discounted price, but they used my 20% off coupon on top of that making the dress $75.60

That means I had a 60% savings just for being nice, patient and giving it a try!
AND DON'T FORGET - I was willing to pay full price!

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